
Christian sarcasm?

i read random blogs when i'm bored. reading blogs is one of those activities that can expand or shrink to fill the space: however much free time i feel like devoting to blog-reading is the amount of time that i will read blogs. (it's a very simple concept, really.)

i was thinking today, as i was reading a friend's blog that i read with a fair amount of regularity, that there is something wrong with the "Christian" blogging world. blogs are a place to express one's own opinion and to then subject that opinion to the general public, who then can openly comment and share their own opinions. it sounds like a lovely, open, free platform for dialogue, doesn't it?

the problem with "Christian" blogs is that "Christian" commenters have not always presented themselves with any semblance of true Christian love, nor an honest spirit of dialogue. instead of being forums for productive and provocative dialogue, "Christian" comments veer into the mire of sarcasm, spite, and absolute mean-spiritness. i am all for spirited discussion and debate. i love the interplay of differing opinions. but so many comment threads dissolve into sheer disrespect: people are mean!

if we, as Christians, hope to share the love of Christ with the world, then who are we kidding when we enter into dialogue without any grace? we are all sinners, this i know. but doesn't that give us all the more reason to try to conduct ourselves in conversation with love and respect? how can we be stewards of God's grace if we can't even offer it to those with whom we dialogue, especially when we are dialoguing about the very subjects of grace, salvation, God, the church, faith and love themselves?

if we can't talk about God without love and respect for our neighbor, then we have missed the entire point.

i'm not spotless here. i have a wicked sarcastic vein running through me - i always have. when i get frustrated or upset, it often comes out. it's too much. i need to work on that, i admit. i don't mean to point fingers with this post. i merely want to point out an observation that troubles me. does it trouble anyone else?


  1. Out of all honesty, I think there are times Christians are crying to be made fun of. We almost are asking to be made fun of. I do also think we are excessively mean at times and take ourselves way too seriously. A friend of mine once said, "We christians shoot our wounded." And having read a lot of these blogs as well we shouldn't turn the faith into such a mess of intellectual nonsense. Intellect is a good thing, but geeze, lighten up a bit!

  2. I suppose that my sweeping generalizations about Christian blogs was a deliberate attempt to include both the "conservataive" and "liberal" sides of the conversation in my critique - that this sort of mean-spiritedness should not be viewed as specific to a certain set of theological convictions. I do admit my error in implying that all comment threads on all Christian blogs are at fault.

    In terms of sarcasm and niceness, I believe that there can be legitimate anger toward legitimate provocation, and I also believe that disagreements can be spirited and even firey. Indeed, Jesus was not always "nice." I would say, however, that there is a difference between frank speech (which may be out of anger, and which may or may not be considered "nice") and disrespect or sarcasm for the sake of cutting someone down. I'm not calling for us all as Christians to agree, nor am I calling for a facade of niceties. I am merely wondering why there is the temptation to turn theological discussions (and disagreements) into personal attacks, where sarcasm is merely a vehicle for making others feel stupid, inadequate, or less-than-Christian.

  3. Ahhh! Bad grammar!!! "I suppose that my sweeping generalizations about Christian blogs WAS a deliberate attempt..." Eew. I offer a much-needed correction:

    "I suppose that my sweeping generalizations about Christian blogs WERE a deliberate attempt to include both the "conservative" and "liberal" sides of the conversation in my critique."

    Sorry, everyone.

  4. lol, I think we got your point.

  5. Hi

    I myself are a christian blogger and I also circulate the christan blogs. I can honestly say that I don't see what you'ce discovered about Christian blogs. I havn't come across this sort of bahaviour. The christian blogs that I read are written by Christians that have a lovely nature and inspire me. Perhaps you generalised christians too much. But I can see why this sort of behaviour would annoy you. there have been times when I've come across an 'Christian' blog and it was nasty, I just decided not to go back...or if they were on my blog roll then I would take them off.
    Have a great day.
