
i've done this before, right?

four years of high school: 8 semesters
four years of college: 8 more semesters
2.5 years of seminary totally finished: yet 5 more semesters

this is my last round of finals (at least finals that are giving me a diploma), and you'd think that after 21 different rounds of finals, i'd be getting pretty good at this by now. pretty good at being efficient, pretty good at managing stress, pretty good at dealing, pretty good at remembering that there is an end in sight.

but for some reason, i'm stuck in purgatory this time round. i cannot seem to make a breakthrough on any of my work. i just feel tired. by monday night it's all over...why can't i remember that and push through? ugh.

::curls up on the couch with the remote::

::feels guilty for procrastinating::

::feels depressed for feeling guilty::


  1. Keep on chugging away, Melissa. It'll pass by quickly, and before you know it, you'll have made it through the "student" phase. :)

  2. all I can say is amen. I too struggle.
