
The history

Anyone who knows me knows that I've been trying to turn myself into a runner for something like 10 years now. The truth is that I have never grown to love running, no matter how hard I've tried. But I have gotten to points in life where I have liked it, and so I feel confident that if I can get myself back to liking it and then stay committed, I will eventually love it.

The problem is that I'm terrible with sticking to it. I've run three 5k races in my lifetime. Well, let's be honest. I've run/walked three 5k races:

St. Olaf College Homecoming 5k - September 2008

St. Olaf College Homecoming 5k - October 2009

Naperville Turkey Trot 5k - November 2009

For each of those races, I did some quick crash training in the month or so beforehand - enough training to survive a 5k, but not enough to create a habit of running.

So last week, I realized that it is now September, and that means fall is pretty much here, which means that the Naperville Turkey Trot is looming in the distance. I did it last year - mostly running, a bit of walking - and I plan on doing it again this year. My goal is to train well for it so that I can run the whole thing. So no two-week crash-course training for me this year. Eight weeks to build me up to the 5k distance, leaving me another three or so weeks to keep running at that 5k distance before the race. If I can stick to the plan and stay dedicated, I really believe I can be in good shape for the race, and hopefully have created a good running pattern for myself.

So my adventures in plodding along begin (yet again)...

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