
this is the day...

...that the Lord has made. let us rejoice and be glad in it!

i titled my post "this is the day" for a completely different reason, but realized that there was only one way to finish that phrase. ahhh....reminders of sunday school songs. did you ever sing that song? did you ever sing it as an echo song? i remember how we'd split the room in half, and one side would start, the other would echo, and you would have to stand when you sang and sit when you didn't. we also did a similar thing for another song "allelu, allelu, allelu, alleluia; praise ye the lord!" one side would be responsible for the "alleluias," the other for the "praise ye the lords."

maybe i should have titled this post "tonight, tonight won't be just any night." somehow evoking images of west side story seems less sacreligious than quoting an old sunday school song for non-religious purposes. well, either way, here is why today/tonight is significant:

we get our powerbook!!!!!

i am beyond excited. i'm sure you'll hear more about it tonight after it comes home with me. maybe, if you're nice, i'll post an update about the powerbook from the powerbook itself.

i'm a geek.
a big one.

(by the way, now that i think about it...the word powerbook is pretty funny. when you really think about the word, it seems like something out of a bad anime cartoon. or else it reminds me of penny's computer-book from the old cartoon inspector gadget. hrm. somehow breaking down the compound word into power + book makes the word seem much less impressive and much more sci-fi.)

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