
the foolproof way to survive finals

listen to bach. i'm serious.

right now i'm hyped up on his motets, especially bwv 225: "singet dem herrn." i don't know where one would go about finding it short of buying a CD of bach motets (i recommend the version directed by phillipe herreweghe), or maybe checking itunes, but you should listen to it. there's a stability and comfort to bach's music itself, but then when you couple it with fantastic and faith-filled texts, i swear that you can get through anything life throws at you.

singet dem herrn ein neues lied (sing to the Lord a new song)

Sing ye the Lord a new refrain; the assembly of saints should be telling his praises. Israel joyful be in him who hath made him. Let Zion's children rejoice in him who is their mighty king; let them be praising his name's honor in dances; with timbrels and with psalt'ries unto him be playing. [Ps. 149:1-3]

As doth a father mercy show.

God, take still further now our part,
To his own little children dear,
So doth the Lord to all men,
If as pure children we him fear.
He sees our feeble powers,
God knows we are but dust;
For, lacking thee, nought shall we gain
Of all these our endeavors.
Just as the grass in mowing,
Or bud and falling leaf,
If wind but o'er it bloweth,
It is no longer there,
So be thou our true shield and light,
And if our hope betray us not,
Thou wilt thus henceforth help us.
E'en so is man's life passing,
His end to him is near.
Blest he whose hope both strong and firm
On thee and on thy grace doth rest.

Praise ye the Lord in all his doings, praise ye him in all his might and majesty! [Ps. 150:2 and 6]

All things which breath do draw, praise ye the Lord, hallelujah!

(yes, i do admit that i am a classical music junkie, and i'm especially a bach junkie, and more especially a bach choral music junkie. admitting it is the first step toward recovery, right? hehe.)

1 comment:

  1. If you ever get the chance check out Avro Paart. Beautiful.
