
A Jumble

I've spent the past three days:

- being sick on and off (boo! I'm so tired of catching stuff from kids!)
- thinking about the book I have to read, the response paper I have to write, and the sermon I have to write (complete with a multimedia aspect) all for Wednesday...none of which I've started
- taking care of a cute and yet wiggly kitten
- spending seven hours at church (singing at two services, leading our small group, and leading Sunday night youth group because our youth director was out of town)

It's an interesting mix of stuff. It's stressful, and yet I feel like a blob as I sit on the couch, trying to feel better and simultaneously trying to read...and to pet a cat on my lap...

I have to say that I definitely need a flat-out day off. A day for Matt and I to go do fall things before winter sets in. To wander around Andersonville, to go play frisbee in the park across the street, to snuggle under my favorite HUGE fleece blanket and watch one of the many movies that are on our list...a day when I'm not responsible for anything!

I just feel all jumbled right now. I'm not quite sure how to shake it.

1 comment:

  1. hope you were able to rest this weekend.
