
June 12

Today is the Feast of St. Onuphrius, who apparently lived alone in the desert and wore nothing but a loincloth of leaves...leading to his eventual designation as the patron saint of weavers. (Thanks to the Freakonomics blog for this bit of information.)

Oh yeah.

It's also my birthday. Time to count to 26 (even though I don't feel 26, and certainly don't look 26). I've decided that numbers don't mean a whole lot. I feel like my same quirky post-college self...and I don't feel a bit old. (Although...at 26, am I allowed yet to call myself "old," Adam? Heehee.)


  1. happy birthday - enjoy your mid-mid-twenties, b/c when you turn 27, like me, you'll then still NOT be old, but you'll be in your late-mid-twenties ;)

  2. Happy Belated Birthday! How did you celebrate?
