
Any NPR Junkies Out There?

I love NPR. Which means that I think the "What's Your NPR Name?" game is outrageously awesome. To find your NPR name, 1) take the first letter of your middle name and insert it anywhere into your first name - this is your NPR first name, and 2) take the name of the smallest town you've ever visited - this is your last name.

If I were an NPR correspondent, I would be Meliassa (Meh-lee-AH-sah) Smoot. (I'm seriously loving this name!)

Who would you be?


  1. I heard a different version: smallest foreign town. But smallest town makes it more inclusive. But I'm sticking with the first version for me, making my NPR name Wandrew Hollabrunn.

  2. Yeah...it's supposed to be foreign town...but I haven't really done much traveling outside the country...a little Canada and Mexico, a little Bahamas and Bermuda...but none of the places I visited there were particularly small. So I decided to honor our favorite choir tour destination instead!

  3. So...


    Thopmas Lowbanks
