
Spring is springing.

It's 62 and sunny outside. That'll make anyone happy.

I'm in the midst of my spring reading week (aka spring break), and I have to admit that I've done nothing that I expected to do during my week off, except for running off to New Jersey with Matt last weekend to celebrate some family birthdays. Although even that was different that expected, involving 4 extra hours in airports each way thanks to air traffic control and weather delays, and some rearranging of weekend events due to said weather. I was sick for two days, meaning that I didn't finish my theology paper early in the week (it's due the Monday classes begin again), which means that I wasn't able to go to Des Moines to help my sister look at new apartments.

I wanted to reread some of the early Harry Potter books, to finally go get a Chicago Public Library card, to go out to the suburbs for an afternoon to rescue our kitty from my parents' house and maybe arrange to meet Dawn for coffee, to work on rewriting a paper for submission to a contest (deadline April 1), to get a jump on a paper that's due April 16....

I wasn't so good at accomplishing ANY of those things.

I have, however, been a productive knitter this week. I managed to knit the first foot of a lacy scarf, though, which is a great way to use up some yellow-green alpaca yarn that is fine by itself but that doesn't go with any other color of yarn in my stash. I also managed to work more on lining/finish the laptop sleeve that I finished knitting a couple weeks ago. And I met Matt downtown after his classes on Monday, just to hang out for a bit since it was beautiful outside, and I ended up buying a cheap copy of the movie Broken Flowers, which I've wanted to watch for a while now, and I watched it Tuesday afternoon while I was curled up on the couch with sad, painful sinuses. I drafted myself a pretty good fantasy baseball team Monday night, and so now I'm even more impatient for Opening Day! But Matt and I, both being sickies, have gotten a good fill of baseball - two spring training games on TV yesterday, one on TV right now, and a Cubs/Padres game on TV later this afternoon.

I love that we have a window open, and I love that it's warm enough to walk to Borders or Starbucks to do work this afternoon. I don't love that I only have three more days before classes begin again, especially when I'd rather be outside tossing a frisbee or reading, or when I'd rather be drinking a tasty tea drink at the downtown Argo, enjoying the bustle of the Water Tower area of Michigan Avenue.

How do you want to be experiencing the start of spring?

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